Despite MS, to Spite MS: One couple facing the challenges of life and Multiple Sclerosis makes me laugh. It makes me cry. It makes me want to reach out and hug Dan and Jennifer, because reading it makes me feel like they are my best friends.
The book is that good. The Digmanns are that great.
Written in essay form, actually more like journal entries, the book reveals Dan's and Jennifer's personal accounts and feelings about their battles with two different forms of MS, their relationship, their love of music and baseball, their efforts to raise awareness of Multiple Sclerosis and advocacy for others who suffer with MS. Personal photographs are included, making your reading experience even more intimate. The Digmanns open their lives to the reader on a level most don't. There is pain, fear and disappointment in their experience. Yet they bless their story with humor and candor. It is a powerful story of living powerfully, despite MS and to spite it.
Yes, I fell in love with the Digmanns, and thank them for their beautiful, touching, enjoyable book. All I want to do now is sit by these folks at a Red Sox game and eat hot dogs.
Despite MS, to Spite MS: One couple facing the challenges of life and Multiple Sclerosis (2011, Magee Press) is available through and A portion of the proceeds go to Camp Courageous and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. For more information about the Digmanns and their advocacy work, go to